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Transition Learning


Two Year Olds & Transition


Oh, two year olds!


The age of exploration and questioning the world. What a fabulous age to be. Two year olds desire independence and are curious to explore the world around them.

As their teachers, we provide a fun learning environment to encourage your two year olds to explore their environment and interact with their peers and teachers.



Our lesson plans focus on teaching children to meet their individual needs and interests while also interacting successfully as part of a group. Day-to-day includes hands-on activities and active play that incorporates social and emotional skills along with physical.


Building Faith-Inspired Routines

We include bible stories and songs as well as prayer before meals. 

Two Year Olds & Three Year Olds


This is where a child’s world starts to open up and they start developing their skills by interacting with others and forming relationships. They start to gain confidence and learn to express themselves more.



In the 2s and 3s classroom, kids are introduced to different activities that involve music and movement, science, art, language, and math. Fine motor skills and social skills are used more in this environment.


Building Independence

The different areas of this classroom encourage children to engage in a variety of activities. Most of the materials are set up for easy access, encouraging the children to make their own choices and help themselves.

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