Pre-K​ 4s & 5s
In our 4/5-Year-Old Program, we focus on reviewing and mastering academic concepts, with a particular emphasis on developing proper form and function in letter writing. The program introduces a range of experiences, including counting, dramatizing stories, cutting, pasting, and painting.
Reading Focus
We employ various methods to deliver a multitude of reading tools that enhance the learning experience. Concepts of print, along with collecting data to answer questions, solve problems, and make predictions, are integral techniques used to maximize the curriculum.
Learning Through Action
At our core, we believe that children learn by doing. Consequently, our writing program utilizes each classroom center as an opportunity to teach essential writing skills, encompassing writing processes, writing applications, writing conventions, and research.
Artistic Expression and Social Development
Children in the program are exposed to various artistic activities such as dancing, painting, and pretend play. These activities not only nurture artistic expression but also contribute to the understanding of cause-and-effect relationships. Children begin to share their knowledge with others, fostering social development.
Preparation for the Future
Our Pre-Kindergarten program is designed to provide a strong social and academic foundation for your children. The aim is to prepare them for future life experiences, ensuring they have the skills and knowledge needed as they progress in their educational journey.
3s & 4s
Developing Independence and Problem-Solving Skills
In the 3 to 4-year-old class, our primary goal is to cultivate independence and problem-solving abilities. Throughout the day, students engage in activities such as meals, playtime, and cleanup, providing ample opportunities to practice and apply these skills. They are encouraged to clean up after themselves, think through tasks, and resolve disagreements politely using age-appropriate questioning.
Play-Based Curriculum
Our curriculum revolves around play, incorporating various elements to make learning engaging and enjoyable for young minds. This includes Bible reading, music, circle time, rotating activity centers for indoor play, and free outdoor playtime. Bible stories are carefully chosen to be age-appropriate, fostering questions and discussions. Interactive worship songs during Bible time involve movement and hand motions.
Learning Methods
During circle time, we cover fundamental concepts like the four seasons, months of the year, and days of the week using catchy rhythms and hand motions to enhance retention. Monthly reviews encompass themes, Bible verses, Bible topics, word concepts, letters, numbers, colors, and shapes.
Indoor Activities
Indoor playtime is structured around rotating activity centers, where students, grouped in threes, switch stations every 5 to 7 minutes. These centers include a main station for skill practice (arts and crafts, science demonstrations, or sensory activities) and others promoting imaginary play, teamwork, and problem-solving.
Outdoor Play
Outdoor playtime offers free play, allowing teachers to observe social interactions and discover individual interests among the students.
Fostering Responsibility and Teamwork
All toys and learning materials have designated spaces, promoting responsibility as students are asked to return items during cleanup. Encouraging teamwork, classmates are urged to help each other clean up, fostering a sense of collaboration in the learning environment.